
At the NLP Leadership Summit held in November 2014 this webpage has been set up to share our work in the field of NLP.

To have your video added, please email a  link or video file to heidi (at) along with a written description of the concept, tool or process you are sharing.

Negative Self-Talk Technique – Steve Andreas

Posted by on Mar 11, 2015 in Steve Andreas, Video | 0 comments

Recently I sent out a blog post with a 2-1/2 minute video of changing a limiting belief that resulted in anxiety, using a method* developed by Mel Davis in the UK. The client was a participant in a 4-day PTSD training who had strong anxiety any time she was alone, and potentially helpless; she drove from Arizona to Boulder-some 800 miles-and had to stop every hour to pee.

It was probably the second day of training when I did Nick Kemp’s version of Bandle’s spinning feelings process** with her; in the process she mentioned her internal voice saying “I can’t do it,” but I didn’t work with this at the time. (Although I’m not completely sure, I think the internal voice triggers the spinning feeling, so you can intervene at either step to stop the anxiety-or intervene with both to be double sure.) (more…)