Discussion on scaling

Forums General Conversation Discussion on scaling

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    • #584
      Heidi Heron

      (Conversation started by Steve Andreas 18 March 2016)

      Recently I got interested in examining the use of scaling: “On a scale of 0-10, where 10 is the most anxious you have ever been, how anxious are you now?”
      Although scaling is usually understood simply as a way of tracking someone’s state in response to interventions, it is also a powerful intervention in itself. Like many other interventions, it is sometimes very useful and appropriate, and sometimes not so useful. I wrote up some ideas about this on my blog, several people commented and raised other aspects, and I followed with a second blog post.
      I’m sending this to the Summit group because I think this is the kind of collaborative discussion that is mostly lacking in the field, and sorely needed if our thinking and practice is to evolve and deepen. I would like to see the summit group play a more active role in encouraging more of this kind of discussion/interchange. Here are the links to the blog posts:

      On a Scale of 0-10, How Useful is Scaling?

      More About Scaling

      Steve Andreas

    • #585
      Heidi Heron

      (Reply from Lisa Rijk)

      Hi Steve

      Thanks for this. This model of scaling as a therapeutic intervention has been used a long
      time in both the Solution Focussed world and also with Richter.

      Hope all is well with you

      Lisa de Rijk (formerly Wake) MSc, RGN, PhD Cand.

    • #586
      Heidi Heron

      (Reply from Peter Schutz)

      Thank you Steve
      Scaling is normal in Professional NLP in central Europe since at least 2000


      • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Heidi Heron.
    • #587
      Heidi Heron

      (Reply from John McWhirter)

      Hi Steve,
      Thanks for the stimulus.
      Initial thoughts.
      I have used scaling since the late 70’s, firstly in hypnosis and then for measuring as you outline. I have also made use of other measuring and representing tools such as graphing to create indirect control over performing. For example about 25 years ago I worked with a top runner who was having a number of difficulties on of which was managing transitions between not ready and ready to run and also changing speed from running to sprinting at the finish. We created a graphing of his whole day from bed (not ready), through the day changing colour of the line as the activity changed to warming up, racing and a sprint finish, and then warming down and back to not racing. Once we had graphed in on paper we then developed it as a subjective tool. At first this allowed him to monitor where he was and then it gave him a way to lead himself into the next stage rather than waiting for it to happen.
      Since then I have used many different measuring tools and taught different applications for them. One particularly interesting application is identifying the natural tools that people use. They are often not the most useful. One common one is when people think of a “Range” of options. The tool of “range” is often not a very complete one (for example it is a selection, not a range; the range is only negative and the positive range is missing).
      This links to another aspect which is that some measuring is zero plus while others are negative to positive in the scaling. I have worked with a lot of clients who benefited greatly from improving the “thinking tools” they were using.
      (Maybe worth pointing out that all of my usage is very different than what Richard was doing with his Design Engineering “control panel” work in the early 90’s). I created a few of the exercises for the first Design Engineering certification training and they were taught by Gary Yardley (from Australia) who had also developed a lot of interesting things at that time.
      I would like to catch up in more detail. Hope all is well with you.
      Cheers for now
      John McWhirter

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