Membership criteria

The NLP Leadership Summit is an open group to leaders in the field of NLP.   We welcome new members who meet the criterion of being a leader in the field of NLP.  These are the questions that we use to assess the criterion:

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Introducing new participants to the NLP-LS

If you know of someone who would be a valuable addition to this group here are the guidelines for inviting them to join:

  1. Check that they are not already participants of the group.
  2. Talk to them to check that they are interested in joining and meet the requirements:
    1. 15 years minimum in the field.
    1.  recognised as a Leader in NLP (this is about leading people to NLP rather than standing on the top).
    1. willing to sign up to the materials we have on the website
  3. Ask the person to apply via webpage.
  4. Application checked by application committee. If all is fine (person checks yes to all questions), Person vetted via a personal conversation à proceed to step 5.
  5. Person is presented to the group for 2 week time-frame for any objections to be registered.
  6. No objection received within two weeks à proceed with step 7
    Objection received à ‘Objection Procedure’ applies.
  7. Formally confirm the registration and ask the applicant to submit a short bio that will be sent to the group.
  8. If they accept
    1. Add their email to the email group list
    1. Add their name to the web-site home page
    1. If applicable: Add them to the internal contact page: email address + bio, usually their LinkedIn page.
    1. Welcome them in a leadershipsummit mail.


Objection Procedure

If an objection is raised against admission to the NLP-LS, we proceed as follows. All steps have to be documented in writing.

  1. If the objection has been raised by a member of the application committee (AC), this member excuses herself/himself from handling the procedure any further to avoid the appearance of partiality. If, as a result of this resignation, the number of committee members is less than two, the committee shall organize itself in such a way that one (or more) interim replacements are appointed from among the other participants of the NLP-LS.
  2. The AC sends the person raising the objection a copy of Objection Procedure and Appeal Procedure and asks
    1. to provide specific reasons for the objection. Such reasoning has to be based on the materials on the NLP-LS website (Purpose, Values, What we stand for) or on a conflict with universal ethical guidelines.
    1. Can reasons for objection be documented (website, social media, other source)?
    1. Is confidentiality towards applicant requested? Can confidentiality be granted?

Objections have to be presented in writing.

  • Depending on situation we do some of the following (in following or other sequence)
    • Creating an ad hoc committee for “Conflict Resolution.”
    • Informing the group that an objection has been raised. Asking if there are any other participants that object?
    • Ask the person who objects to talk with the person who is applying. To see if they can work out the difference? (We have already done this when there have been conflicts over money or misunderstandings because one person thought the other had slandered them in public, but it was obviously a matter of a confusion.)
    • Objections presented to the applying person for a conversation.
    • Together with this information, a copy of Objection Procedure and Appeal Procedure is to be sent to the applicant.
  • Could the objection be resolved? If yes à proceed with step 6 below
    If no à proceed with step 5 below.
  • Notification to the applicant that the application has been rejected due to a justified objection. The person may withdraw application.
  • Inform the person who raised the objection and proceed with step 7 of ‘Introducing new participants’ procedure.

Appeal Procedure

If an application has been rejected the applicant has the right to appeal. The appeal is brought to the Ethics Committee of the NLP Leadership Summit. The committee’s decision is final.

An application for reconsideration can be submitted after 2 years at the earliest or if there is given evidence that the reasons for rejection have been resolved. Such application for reconsideration must be accompanied by evidence of how the reasons for the rejection were resolved.

Expulsion Procedure

As per February 9, 2024 this has not been designed yet.